Post by amanika on Dec 2, 2010 3:14:48 GMT -8
Teazer bit her lip again, despite everything, she was unable to help feeling somewhat sorry for Sonya, perhaps it was the fact that you could see how tired he was rather than it just being him complaining. "Y'can't, I don't know... deligate or somethin'?"
Post by victoriousscarf on Dec 2, 2010 9:11:57 GMT -8
Sonya paused for a long moment. "Delegating would require me to be able to trust any of my officers." At this point he was figuring about four fifths of the department were corrupt bastards in some form or another.
Post by amanika on Dec 3, 2010 5:47:29 GMT -8
Teazer nodded, "Shoulda' figured it couldn't be that simple." she glanced back around the cafe, the two older queens were shrugging on their coats and looking at her with dissaproval. "I'll be back in a bit, looks like there's a bill t'be taken care of."
Post by victoriousscarf on Dec 3, 2010 9:19:27 GMT -8
"Simplicity is not in the job description," he said, bitterness leaking into his voice, but he nodded and waved a hand toward the two old queens. "Of course, good luck."
Post by amanika on Dec 3, 2010 10:00:48 GMT -8
Teazer couldn't help but offer him a smile, "Thanks."
Luckily the women said nothing to Teazer, just asking for the bill, which she fetched for them. Her other customer was wanting his by then and shortly after that some more cats came in. It was a little while before she returned to Sonya's table, coffee pot in paw.
"I figured y'might be wantin' a refill by now."
Post by victoriousscarf on Dec 3, 2010 14:38:15 GMT -8
Sonya smiled at her return, having mostly finished with the food in front of him at that point. "Yes, thank you, I would greatly appreciate that."
Post by amanika on Dec 3, 2010 14:43:02 GMT -8
Teazer chuckled, "No problem." she was just doing her job, she told herself as she poured the coffee she wasn't being overly friendly... was she? She was in no position to be getting overly friendly with a cop. "Will you be wantin' dessert?"
Post by victoriousscarf on Dec 3, 2010 14:50:51 GMT -8
Sonya took a sip of the warm coffee before answering. "I... dessert?" What he had already eaten was more than what he usually ate in any sitting. "No, thank you. I'll probably have another cup of coffee after this one before leaving but thank you."
Post by amanika on Dec 3, 2010 14:55:12 GMT -8
"No problem, y'don't exactly strike me as the dessert eatin' type."
Post by victoriousscarf on Dec 3, 2010 15:08:46 GMT -8
Sonya nodded, his brow quirking ever so slightly. "I don't?" For some reason the thought almost bothered him.
Post by amanika on Dec 3, 2010 15:19:51 GMT -8
"Well for a start it don't sound like you ever have time for it." Teazer suggested.
Post by victoriousscarf on Dec 3, 2010 15:27:16 GMT -8
Sonya chuckled softly at that. "Ah, yes, I guess that is true."
Post by amanika on Dec 3, 2010 15:34:25 GMT -8
"Plus, I don't know," Teazer's free hand unconciously fiddled with her pearls as she searched to explain what she meant, "y'seem kind of... no frills... If that makes any sense?" she blushed slighly, annoyed at heself for being unable to express it better.
Post by victoriousscarf on Dec 3, 2010 15:40:47 GMT -8
Sonya noticed her nervous fiddling and filed it away. "It makes sense," he said finally. "I'm actually glad I come across that way," he said, laughing slightly, thinking of his parents and their adoration of glamor and glitz. He had not spoken to his father in several years.
Post by amanika on Dec 3, 2010 15:46:24 GMT -8
"Straightforward is a better word I guess." Teazer decided finally, "If y'did order dessert it would be something like the apple pie, somethin' solid and filling. Not all fancy cream an' puff pastry, which is basically all air anyway." she was mostly thinking aloud now, one to follow such a thought through to the end.